Drumstick is one of the famous vegetable crops in India. Drumstick scientifically called Moringaoleifera is commonly known as Saijan (Hindi), Shevaga (in Marathi), Murungai (Tamil),Muringnga (Malayalam), and Munagakaya (Telugu) in different Indian languages. Drumstick is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa comes from the Moringaceae family. Though the origin of drumsticks is India, due to their medicinal uses it has reached other countries also. Drumstick tree, Moringa is well known for its multi-purpose attributes, wide adaptability, and ease of establishment. Its leaves, pods, and flowers are all packed with nutrients for both humans and animals. Almost every part of the plant is of food value. Foliage is eaten as green salads and used in vegetable curries. The seeds yield 38-40% of a non-drying oil known as Ben Oil, used for lubricating watches. The oil is clear, sweet, and odor less, never becomes rancid and hence, used in the manufacture of perfumes.